Stockport Corporation Transport Trolleybus/Bus Fleet List 1913-1969
Fleet No. | Reg. No. | Chassis | Chassis No. | Body | Seating |
1-3 | – | Brush | – | Brush | B29R |
Nos. 1-3 were trolleybuses. Registration of trolleybuses was not made compulsory until 1921, thus these vehicles never carried registration numbers.
Withdrawn 1916 (1), 1919 (2-3).
101-102 | DB1662-1663 | AEC YC | 11033/? | British Commercial Lorry & Engineering Co. | B30R |
Withdrawn 1926 (101-102).
103 | DB1814 | AEC YC | 12441 | British Commercial | B30R |
Withdrawn 1926 (103).
104 | DB3898 | Vulcan | ? | Vulcan | B21F |
105 | DB3897 | Vulcan | ? | Vulcan | B21F |
106 | DB3900 | Vulcan | ? | Vulcan | B21F |
107 | DB3899 | Vulcan | ? | Vulcan | B21F |
Withdrawn 1927 (107), 1929 (104-106).
108-109 | DB5314-5315 | Vulcan VSD | ?/1023 | Vulcan | B26D |
Withdrawn 1929 (108-109).
110 | DB6851 | Leyland PLSC1 | 45109 | Leyland | B29D |
111 | DB6850 | Leyland PLSC1 | 45110 | Leyland | B29D |
112-113 | DB6852-6853 | Leyland PLSC1 | 45111-12 | Leyland | B29D |
114-119 | DB7460-7465 | Leyland PLSC1 | 45328-33 | Leyland | B29D |
Withdrawn 1947 (117-119), 1948 (114-115), 1949 (110-113, 116).
120-122 | DB8396-8398 | Leyland PLSC1 | 46139-41 | Short | B34D |
Withdrawn 1948 (120-122).
123-134 | DB9157-9168 | Leyland PLSC1 | 47104/02-03/ 05-06/08-09/ 07/10-13 | Cravens | B32D |
Nos. 129-130, 132-133 rebuilt to B34R at a later date.
Withdrawn 1939 (126), 1942 (125), 1948 (123-124, 129-134), 1949 (127-128).
135-146 | JA377-388 | AEC Reliance | 660276/75/77/ 80/94-95/93/ 92/90-91/ 78-79 | Cravens | B32D |
Nos. 138, 142-144 re-seated to B30D at a later date.
Withdrawn 1936 (146), 1939 (139, 145), 1941 (138, 140-143), 1943 (136-137), 1944 (144), 1949 (135).
147-152 | JA1027-1032 | AEC Reliance | 660426/64/43/ 50/39/48 | Cravens | B30D |
153 | JA1291 | AEC Regent | 661782 | Short | H24/26R |
159-164 | JA1465-1470 | Leyland TS3 | 61602-07 | Leyland | B30D |
No. 153 was actually on loan. Although it was registered by Stockport Corporation it only ran during September 1930, after which it was returned.
Withdrawn 1930 (153), 1936 (149), 1942 (147, 150), 1946 (148, 151-152), 1951 (159-160, 162-164), 1952 (161).
153-158 | JA1459-1464 | Crossley Alpha | 90609-14 | Crossley | B32D |
Withdrawn 1936 (153-158).
165-166 | JA5442-5443 | Leyland TD3 | 5799/98 | Leyland | H26/26R |
Withdrawn 1958 (165-166).
167-170 | JA6213-6216 | Leyland TD4c | 7384-87 | Leyland | H28/24R |
Withdrawn 1958 (167-169), 1959 (170).
171-178 | JA7571-7578 | Leyland TD4c | 10793-800 | Leyland | H28/24R |
183-192 | JA7583-7592 | Leyland TS7 | 12416-25 | English Electric | B35C |
Withdrawn 1951 (172), 1958 (171, 173), 1959 (185, 189), 1960 (174-178), 1962 (184, 186-187, 190-191), 1963 (183, 188, 192).
179-182 | JA7579-7582 | Leyland TD4c | 13883-86 | Leyland | H28/24R |
193-202 | JA7593-7602 | Leyland TS8 | 15128-37 | English Electric | B35C |
Withdrawn 1960 (179-182), 1962 (193-199, 201-202), 1963 (200).
204 | JA7604 | Leyland TD7 | 304556 | Leyland | H30/26R |
206 | JA7606 | Leyland TD7 | 304557 | Leyland | H30/26R |
208 | JA7608 | Leyland TD7 | 304558 | Leyland | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1962 (208), 1963 (204, 206).
203 | JA7603 | Crossley Mancunian | 92851 | Crossley | H30/26R |
205 | JA7605 | Crossley Mancunian | 92851 | Crossley | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1958 (203, 205).
209-210 | JA7609-7610 | Guy Arab II | FD26124-25 | Massey | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1963 (210), 1964 (209).
211-218 | JA7611-7618 | Guy Arab II | FD27012/15/ 19/85/101-02/ 164/66 | Massey | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1963 (211, 213, 215-216, 218), 1964 (212, 214, 217).
219-224 | JA7619-7624 | Guy Arab II | FD27387/439/ 40-41/44/46 | Massey | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1963 (219-220), 1964 (221-224).
207 | JA7607 | Crossley DD42/3 | 93350 | Crossley | H30/26R |
225-230 | JA7625-7630 | Crossley DD42/3 | 93847/72/70/ 81/59/69 | Crossley | H30/26R |
231-240 | CDB1-10 | Crossley DD42/3 | 93867/73/64/ 38/63/61/45/ 74/78/94 | Crossley | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1962 (226), 1964 (207, 225, 229), 1965 (230-236, 238-240), 1966 (227), 1967 (227-228, 237).
241-244 | CDB11-14 | Crossley DD42/3 | 93862/56/ 58/65 | Crossley | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1967 (241-244).
245-254 | CJA769-778 | Crossley DD42/5 | 94096/90/99/ 95/97/155/20/ 54/17/03 | Crossley | H30/26R |
255-264 | CJA779-788 | Crossley DD42/5 | 94121/51/50/ 23/52/56/47/ 68-69/65 | Crossley | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1965 (248, 251-253, 257-259, 261-262), 1967 (245-247, 249, 250, 254-256, 260, 263-264).
265-277 | DJA173-185 | Leyland PD2/1 | 494344/42/43/ 45/79/612/10/ 11/5533/32/ 784/6094/370 | Leyland | H30/26R |
278-284 | DJA186-192 | Leyland PD2/1 | 496369/5887/ 6368/5783/ 6095/5968/67 | Leyland | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1968 (265-278, 280-281), 1969 (279, 282-284).
285-298 | EDB539-552 | Leyland PD2/1 | 504884/943/ 10181-83/289/ 88/87/317/16/ 18/15/99/14 | Leyland | H30/26R |
299-308 | EDB553-562 | Leyland PD2/1 | 510397-98/ 440/313/442/ 41/396/444/ 43/45 | Leyland | H30/26R |
309-323 | EDB563-577 | Crossley DD42/7 | 95315-16/24/ 14/26/19/27/ 18/20/23/17/ 21/22/25/29 | Crossley | H30/26R |
324-332 | EDB578-586 | Crossley DD42/7 | 95328/30/37/ 31/34/32-33/ 36/35 | Crossley | H30/26R |
No. 295 converted to open-top O30/26R in 1969 for use as tree-lopper.
Nos. 293, 295, 297-307 to South East Lancashire and North East Cheshire (SELNEC) PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5913, 5995, 5917-5927 respectively.
Withdrawn 1967 (309-320, 322-327, 332), 1968 (291-292, 308, 321, 328-331), 1969 (285-290, 294, 296, 308).
333-335 | NDB353-355 | Leyland PSUC1/1 | 584038-40 | Crossley | B44F |
337-346 | NDB360-369 | Leyland PD2/30 | 581588/75/ 89-91/74/87/ 604-05/573 | Crossley | H33/28R |
403 | NDB356 | Leyland PSUC1/1 | 584041 | Crossley | B44F |
Nos. 333-335 re-numbered 400-402 shortly after entering service.
Nos. 343-346 re-numbered 333-336 shortly after entering service.
Nos. 333-335[400-402], 403 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5080-5083 respectively.
Nos. 337-342, 343-346[333-336] to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5937-5942, 5933-5936 respectively.
343-352 | PJA913-922 | Leyland PD2/30 | 590756-57/67/ 68/77-78/820- 21/34-35 | Longwell Green | H32/28R |
Nos. 343-352 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5943-5952 respectively.
353-362 | VDB584-593 | Leyland PD2A/30 | 612661-64/99/ 700/20-21/28- 29 | East Lancs | H32/28R |
Nos. 353-362 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5953-5962 respectively.
1-10 | YDB1-10 | Leyland PD2A/30 | L00572-74/ 602-04/74-75/ 775-76 | East Lancs | H36/28R |
Nos. 1-10 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5801-5810 respectively.
11-25 | BJA911-25B | Leyland PD2/40 | L20333-34/ 55-57/77-78/ 426-28/31-33/ 63-64 | East Lancs | H36/28R |
Nos. 11-25 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5811-5825 respectively.
26-40 | FDB326-40C | Leyland PD2/40 | L42836-37/ 3036-38/279- 80/495-97/ 725-26/940/ 31-32 | East Lancs | H36/28R |
Nos. 26-40 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5826-5840 respectively.
41-55 | HJA941-55E | Leyland PD2/40 | L63598/880/ 93-94/938-39/ 4171-72/94/ 95/5443-44/ 81/700001-02 | East Lancs | H36/28R |
56-70 | HJA956-70E | Leyland PD2/40 | L65436/80/ 700025/63-64/ 105-07/227- 28/403-04/ 501/603-04 | Neepsend | H36/28R |
Nos. 41-70 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5841-5870 respectively.
71-85 | KJA871-85F | Leyland PD3/14 | 702825/3083/ 84/194-95/ 394-95/488- 89/596-97/ 634-35/742-43 | East Lancs | H38/32R |
404-408 | KDB404-08F | Leyland PSU4/1R | 703982-83/ 96/98 | East Lancs | B43D |
Nos. 71-85, 404-408 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5871-5885, 5084-5088 respectively.
86-91 | MJA886-91G | Leyland PD3/14 | 803897-98/ 941-42/4002- 03 | East Lancs | H38/32R |
92-97 | MJA892-97G | Leyland PD3/14 | 804344-47/ 70-71 | East Lancs | H38/32F |
Nos. 86-97 to SELNEC PTE 11/69; re-numbered 5886-5897 respectively.