King Alfred Motor Services Ltd. Bus Fleet List 1920-1973
Reg No. | Chassis | Chassis No. | Body | Seating |
The following vehicles were being used by Robert Chisnell in 1920 when the first true King Alfred vehicle was purchased and were subsequently used on services and on private hires.
LD7995 | Delaunay-Belleville | ? | Matthews | -10- |
? | Delaunay-Belleville | ? | Matthews | -10- |
? | Delaunay-Belleville | ? | Matthews | -12- |
? | Napier | ? | ? | -12- |
Withdrawn (unknown)
HO2857 | Leyland RAF | 5436?1612 | Belgravia Motors | Ch30 |
HO2858 | Leyland RAF | 5436Z0814 | Belgravia Motors | Ch30 |
HO2324 | Leyland RAF | 5436E1721 | Bartle | B30F |
HO2857/2858 were not formally registered until 1921. Photographs show HO2857 carrying trade plates AA002 and it is possible that both vehicles bore such plates until formal registration, since there is no other record of registration before this date.
HO2857/2858 also quoted as Ch28.
HO2324 also quoted as B28F.
Withdrawn 1929 (HO2857/2858, HO2324).
HO5899 | Leyland G4 | 14401 | Leyland | Ch30 |
OR2506 | Leyland G4 | 23003 | Leyland | B24F |
Withdrawn 1930 (OR2506), 1931 (HO5899).
CR4003 | Thornycroft J | 7378J | Southampton CT | O22/20RO |
CR4004 | Thornycroft J | 7372J | Southampton CT | B28R |
CR4005 | Thornycroft J | 7389J | Southampton CT | B25F |
CR5424 | Thornycroft J | 9284J | Southampton CT | B26F |
HO6407 | Leyland C9 | 35335 | London Lorries | C26D |
CR4003-4005, 5424 ex-Southampton Corporation (new 1919 or 1923 (CR5424)).
HO6407 re-seated to Ch26 in 1929.
Withdrawn 1925 (CR4003), 1929 (CR4004-4005, CR5424), 1935 (HO6407).
OT2558 | Dennis 30cwt | 50927 | Short | B19F |
OT2558 re-seated to B18F in 1931.
Withdrawn 1936.
OT5114 | Dennis 30cwt | 51714 | Short | B19F |
OT5115 | Dennis 30cwt | 51799 | Dennis | Ch14 |
OT5114 was re-seated to B18F in 1931.
Withdrawn 1932 (OT5115), 1936 (OT5114).
OT6835 | Albion PM28 | 7019L | Pickering | B32R |
OT7996 | Albion PM28 | 7021H | Northern Counties | B32R |
OT8608 | Leyland PLSC3 | 46825 | Leyland | B30F |
OT8609 | Leyland PLSC3 | 46826 | Leyland | B35F |
OT6835 re-seated to B31R in 1936.
Withdrawn 1939 (OT6835), 1940 (OT7996), 1943 (OT8608-8609).
MP3471 | Albion PM28 | 7015L | Northern Counties | B32R |
OU1153 | Dennis 30cwt | 54499 | Short | B19F |
OU1154 | Dennis G | 70457 | Strachan | C18D |
OU1703 | Dennis GL | 70500 | Strachan | B20F |
OU1704 | Albion PM28 | 7038E | Northern Counties | B31R |
OU2011 | Albion Valkyrie | 7044H | Martin | C29F |
OU2296 | Leyland TS1 | 60544 | Strachan | C31R |
OU2297 | Leyland TS1 | 60582 | Strachan | C26D |
MP3471 ex-Albion demonstrator (new 1927).
OU1153 re-seated to B18F in 1931.
OU2296 re-bodied by Reading to C33F in 1948.
OU2297 re-bodied by Strachan to C32F in 1949.
Withdrawn unknown but probably before 1940 (MP3471), 1940 (OU2211 [requisitioned by War Dept. not returned], OU1154), 1942 (OU1703), 1944 (OU1704), 1945 (OU1153), 1959 (OU2297-2298).
OU5720-5721 | Commer Invader 6TK | 28109/130 | Abbott | C19F |
OU7202-7203 | Albion PMA28 | 7065B/65E | Strachan | B31R |
Withdrawn 1940 (OU5720-5721 [requisitioned by War Dept. not returned]), 1944 (OU7202), 1946 (OU7203).
OU8691 | Leyland TS1 | 61579 | Strachan | C32F |
OU9285-9286 | Dennis 30cwt | 56454/55 | Short | B18F |
OU8691 re-bodied by Reading to C32F in 1949.
Withdrawn 1942 (OU9285), 1947 (OU9286), 1956 (OU8691).
CG4059 | Leyland LT5 | 2715 | Leyland | B35F |
CG4435 | Dennis Lancet I | 170398 | Dennis | C32R |
CG4435 re-bodied by Strachan to B35R in 1939.
Withdrawn 1950 (CG4059, CG4435).
AAA755 | Albion Victor PK114 | 24001B | Duple | C20R |
AAA756 | Albion Victor PK114 | 24001C | Abbott | C20C |
AAA757 | Leyland LT7 | 7484 | Leyland | B38R |
Withdrawn 1949 (AAA756), 1951 (AAA755), 1952 (AAA757).
BOT936-937 | Leyland LT7 | 11978/79 | Strachan | B36R |
Later re-seated to B37R.
Withdrawn 1951 (BOT936), 1953 (BOT937).
COT647 | Albion Victor PK115 | 25016G | Strachan | C26F |
Withdrawn 1940 (requisitioned by War Dept. not returned).
DOR217 | Leyland LT9 | 303368 | Leyland | B35R |
Withdrawn 1954.
DOU808 | Albion Valkyrie CX13 | 58016F | Duple | DP35F |
Withdrawn 1951.
ECG639 | Leyland TD7 | 307778 | Brush | L27/28R |
EHO130-132 | Guy Arab I 5LW | FD25611/32 | Brush | L27/28R |
EHO132 | Bedford OWB | 10244 | Duple | B32F |
EHO132 re-seated to B28F in 1950.
Withdrawn 1951 (EHO131), 1952 (EHO130), 1953 (ECG639), 1955 (EHO132).
EHO133 | Bedford OWB | 11717 | Duple | B32F |
EHO686 | Guy Arab II 5LW | FD25966 | Strachan | L27/28R |
EHO133 re-seated to B28F in 1950.
Withdrawn 1951 (EHO686), 1952 (EHO133).
EOR579 | Guy Arab II 5LW | FD27239 | Weymann | L27/28R |
Withdrawn 1954.
FCG275-276 | Leyland PD1A | 462491/92 | Leyland | L27/26R |
FOT214-215 | Bedford OB | 47014/55792 | Duple | C29F |
FOT770-772 | Leyland PS1/1 | 462478/798/ 470641 | Reading | B34R |
FRU149-150 | Bedford OWB | 14269/309 | Duple | B32F |
GAA951-952 | Leyland PD1A | 472621/20 | Leyland | L27/26R |
FRU149-150 ex-Charlie’s Cars (Bournemouth), Nos. 51/52, new 1943.
Withdrawn 1951 (FRU149-150), 1959 (FOT214-215, FOT770-772), 1963 (FCG275), 1964 (GAA951), 1966 (GAA952), 1967 (FCG276).
HAA809 | Leyland PD2/1 | 491280 | Leyland | H30/26R |
Withdrawn 1969.
HOR491-492 | Albion Valkyrie CX9 | 58079D/79E | Reading | B36F |
HOR493 | Leyland PD2/1 | 494248 | Leyland | H30/26R |
HOT851-852 | Leyland Comet CPO1 | 493742/ 495018 | Reading | C33F |
HOT853-854 | Leyland PS1/1 | 496010/ 495814 | Reading | C33F |
JAA705 | Leyland PD2/1 | 504246 | Leyland | L27/26R |
JAA706-707 | Leyland PD2/1 | 504116/17 | Leyland | H30/26R |
JAA708 | Leyland Olympic HR40 | 502362 | Weymann | B40F |
Withdrawn 1959 (HOR491), 1960 (HOT851-854), 1962 (HOR492), 1965 (JAA708), 1967 (JAA705), 1969 (HOR493), 1970 (JAA706-707).
JOR593 | Leyland PD2/1 | 510898 | Leyland | H30/26R |
JOR594 | Leyland PD2/1 | 505676 | Leyland | L27/26RD |
JOT697 | Leyland PSU1/15 | 510217 | Burlingham | C39C |
JOR593 had the top-deck rebuilt by Park Royal in 1964 after accident damage.
Withdrawn 1964 (JOT697), 1967 (JOR593), 1972 (JOR594).
KOR381-382 | Leyland PD2/10 | 521767/714 | Leyland | L27/28R |
Withdrawn 1971.
LAA822 | Leyland PD2/10 | 530541 | Leyland | L27/28R |
LAA823 | Leyland PSU1/15 | 530183 | Burlingham | C41C |
MAA4-5 | Leyland PSUC1/1T | 534652/65 | Weymann | B44F |
Withdrawn 1965 (MAA5), 1967 (LAA823), 1969 (MAA4), 1970 (LAA822).
NHO101-102 | Leyland PSUC1/2T | 552569/70 | Weymann | B44F |
Withdrawn 1971 (NHO101), 1972 (NHO102).
POU494-495 | Leyland PD2/24 | 560374/75 | East Lancs | L27/28R |
Withdrawn 1972.
SCG855-856 | Leyland PSUC1/2 | 576010/11 | Weymann | DP41F |
To Hants & Dorset Motor Services (H&D) 4/73, numbered 2701/2702.
159JHX | AEC Regent V | MD2RA298 | Park Royal | H37/28R |
Ex-AEC demonstrator, new 1956.
Withdrawn 1971.
WCG103-105 | Leyland PSUC1/1 | 595154-56 | Weymann | B45F |
WCG106-107 | AEC Bridgemaster | B3RA046/47 | Park Royal | H45/29R |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2703/2704/2705/2201/2202 respectively.
323-324CAA | AEC Bridgemaster | B3RA131/32 | Park Royal | H45/29R |
325-327CAA | Bedford SB3 | 88207/245/46 | Harrington | C41F |
325CAA re-seated to C37F in 1966, to C41F in 1966 and to C37F in 1969.
Withdrawn 1969 (325CAA), 1970 (326-327CAA).
To H&D 4/73 (323-324CAA), numbered 2203/2204 respectively, although 323CAA was never operated by H&D and was cannibalised for spares.
412-414FOR | Leyland PSU3/2R | 622150/51/567 | Willowbrook | B53F |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2651/2652/2653 respectively.
595-596LCG | AEC Renown | 3B2RA083/84 | Park Royal | H44/31F |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2211/2212 respectively.
CCG704C | Bedford VAL14 | 1819 | Plaxton | C49F |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2051.
EAA272-273D | Morris J2M16 | 142014/3153 | Morris | M11 |
EOU703D | Bedford VAL14 | 1907 | Plaxton | C49F |
EOR415D | Bedford VAM5 | 6803118 | Strachan | B46F |
GHO416D | Bedford VAM5 | 6846413 | Strachan | B46F |
Withdrawn 1967 (EAA273D), 1970 (EAA272D).
To H&D 4/73 (EOU703D, EOR415D, GHO416D), numbered 2052/2501/2502 respectively.
530GOT | Ford 402E | L05C802122K | Martin Walter | M11 |
BHO543C | Bedford CALZ30 | 368806 | Martin Walter | M11 |
HOR589-592E | Leyland PDR1/2 | L63328/29/ 48/49 | Roe | H43/33F |
HOU888E | Ford Transit | BC05FA49039 | Vehicle Maintenance | M12 |
JHO702E | Bedford VAM14 | 7802241 | Plaxton | C45F |
LOR666-667F | Ford Transit | BC05GS19872/ 71 | Vehicle Maintenance | M12 |
530GOT ex-Maidment (Eastleigh), new 1964.
BHO543C ex-Epsom Coaches, new 1965.
Withdrawn 1967 (530GOT, BHO543C).
To H&D 4/73 (HOR589-592E, JHO702E, LOR666-667F), numbered 2301/2302/2303/2304/2008/2041/2042 respectively.
HOU888E retained by Chisnell for private use.
MHO444F | Ford Transit | BC05GJ57245 | Vehicle Maintenance | M12 |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2043.
ROW565G | Ford Transit | BC05JP58612 | South Hants | M12 |
To H&D 4/73, numbered 2044.
UAA222H | Ford Transit | BC05JR52157 | South Hants | M12 |
UOU417-419H | Leyland PSUR1A/1R | 903247-49 | Plaxton | B52F |
VOW355J | Ford Transit | BC05KT45161 | South Hants | M12 |
VOW814J | Ford Transit | BC05KL52800 | South Hants | M12 |
To H&D 4/73 (UAA222H, UOU417-419H, VOW355J, VOW814J), numbered 2045/2697/2698/2699/2046/2047 respectively.
AOU108-110J | Metro-Scania BR111MH | 541448/450/ 449 | MCW | B47D |
BCG701J | Bedford YRQ | 1T488549 | Duple | C45F |
To H&D 4/73 (AOU108-110J, BCG701J), numbered 2601/2602/2603/2009 respectively.