Elliott Brothers (Bournemouth) Ltd. t/a ‘Royal Blue Automobile Services’ 1913-1935

Documents relating to Elliott Brothers vehicles were destroyed in a fire and more information is still coming to light thus this list will be incomplete. If you can add any further vehicles or details please contact me.

Reg. No.ChassisChassis No.BodySeating


EL1570-71Dennis 28hp?/??Ch20
EL1833Daimler 40hp??Ch26

Withdrawn unknown (EL1833), 1915 (EL1570-71).1914

EL2000-01Daimler 45hp?/??Ch??
EL2200Daimler 45hp??Ch??
EL2300Daimler 45hp??Ch??

Withdrawn unknown (EL2000, EL2200, EL2300), by 1917 (EL2001).1915

EL1718De Dion 25hp??Ch??
EL2038De Dion 35hp??Ch??
EL2625-28Selden 35hp?/?/?/??Ch??
EL2668-69Selden 35hp?/??Ch??

EL1718, EL2038 ex-Dinnivan, Bournemouth (new 5/13 and 4/14 respectively).
Withdrawn unknown (EL1718, EL2626-28, EL2668), by 1916 (EL2038), by 1919 (EL2625, EL2669).1916

EL3022-24Selden 35/40hp?/?/??Ch??
EL3070-71Selden 35hp?/??Ch??
EL3118-21Selden 35hp?/?/?/??Ch??

Withdrawn unknown (EL3022-24, EL3070-71, EL3119-21), by 1919 (EL3118).1919

EL3602-07AEC YC13472/?/?/
EL3731Daimler CK??Ch23
EL3732Daimler CK??Ch14
EL3733Daimler CK??Ch23
EL3734Daimler CK??Ch20
EL3735-36Daimler CK??Ch14
EL3737Daimler CK??Ch20
EL3738Daimler CK??Ch??
EL3739Daimler CK??Ch23
EL3740Daimler CK??Ch20
EL3788Daimler CK??Ch29
EL3789Daimler CK5686?Ch??
EL3835-39Daimler Y?/?/?/?/??Ch??

Note: EL3604 was Ch26.
EL3788/89 ex-Bournemouth Motor Syndicate (new 7/19).
Withdrawn unknown (EL3602-07, EL3731, EL3733-38, EL3740, EL3788-89, EL3835-38), by 1926 (EL3739, EL3839), 1928 (EL3732).1920

EL4943-44Daimler CK?/??Ch??
EL4945Daimler CK??Ch20
EL4946-47Daimler CK?/??Ch??
EL5801Daimler Y??Ch26

Withdrawn unknown (EL4943-47, EL5801), by 1927 (EL4946).1921

EL3742-43Daimler CK?/??Ch??
EL4976Daimler Y??Ch??
EL5857Daimler Y??Ch29
EL5979Daimler Y???28?
EL6188Daimler Y???26?
EL6266-67Daimler Y?/???
EL6310Daimler Y???
EL6326Daimler Y???

EL3742/43, EL4976 ex-W.A. & E. Briant, Bournemouth (new 7/19, 4/20 and 5/20 respectively).
Withdrawn unknown (EL3743, EL4976, EL5857, EL5979, EL6188, EL6266-67, EL6310, EL6326), by 1924 (EL3742).1922

EL6431Daimler Y3005??
EL6443Daimler Y???
EL6604Daimler Y3031??
EL6605Daimler Y???26?
EL6791Daimler Y4628??
EL6902-03Daimler Y?/???
EL7169Daimler Y4063??
EL7245Daimler Y3314??

Withdrawn unknown (EL6443, EL6604-05, EL6791, EL6902-03, EL7169, EL7245), by 1923 (EL6791), by 1925 (EL6431).1924

EL8795Daimler Y???
EL8802Daimler Y5863??
EL9635Daimler Y6277??
EL9859Daimler Y1568??
RU48Daimler Y2682??

Withdrawn unknown (EL8802, EL9635, EL9859), by 1924 (EL8795), by 1925 (RU48).The following vehicles were purchased by Elliott Brothers to operate a number of stage services but passed to Hants & Dorset following an agreement in 1924. They were all ex-War Department and were first registered as shown by Hants & Dorset. The Dodson bodies were of the ‘charabus’ patent type with canvas centre section, which could be rolled back, windows removed and stored underneath the chassis.

CR8636Daimler Y6969DodsonCh28
CR8828Daimler Y5465DodsonCh28
CR9081Daimler Y?DodsonCh28
EL8771-73Daimler Y6307/?/?DodsonCh28
EL8900-02Daimler Y6198/5536/
EL9188Daimler Y6188DodsonCh28
EL9385Daimler Y6308DodsonCh28
EL9410Daimler Y?DodsonCh28

CR8636/8828/9081 to Hants & Dorset 2/24 (numbered 90/94/104 respectively); EL8771-73/8900-02/9188/9385/9410 numbered 82/84/86/88/92/96/98/100/102 respectively).1925

RU681Daimler Y6948??
RU1182Daimler Y???
RU1391Daimler Y5697??
RU1440Daimler Y5456?Ch20

RU1440 ex-Hants & Dorset (new to Enterprise Bus Services, Gosport; originally registered LR8007, re-registered by Elliott Brothers; new 1915 as a lorry).
Withdrawn unknown (RU681, RU1182, RU1391, RU1440).1926


This vehicle was second-hand from an unknown owner; it was new in 7/23.
Withdrawn unknown (EL8165).1928

RU6711ADC 424424007Hall LewisC24R
RU6712ADC 424424012Hall LewisC26R
RU6713ADC 424424009Hall LewisC26R
RU6714ADC 424424008DupleC23R
RU6715ADC 424424011DupleC24R
RU6716ADC 424424013DupleC26R
RU6717ADC 424424010DupleC20R
RU6718ADC 424424025DupleC23R
RU6719ADC 424424033DupleC26R
RU6720ADC 424424026Hall LewisC24R
RU6721ADC 424424028Hall LewisC26R
RU6722ADC 424424014Hall LewisC26R
RU6723-24ADC 424424029/27Hall LewisC24R
RU6725ADC 424424030Hall LewisC26R
RU6726ADC 424424031DupleC23R
RU6727-28ADC 424424034-35DupleC26R
RU6729ADC 424424032DupleC23R
RU6730ADC 424424024DupleC26R
RU6731ADC 424424020DupleC24R
RU6732ADC 424424056DupleC23R
RU6733ADC 424424039DupleC24R
RU6734ADC 424424023DupleC24R
RU6735-36ADC 424424019/57DupleC23R
RU7730ADC 426426606Hall LewisC28?
RU7731ADC 426426605Hall LewisC28?
RU7732ADC 426426603Hall LewisC28?
RU7733ADC 426426601Hall LewisC28?
RU7734ADC 426426602Hall LewisC28?
RU7735ADC 426426604Hall LewisC28?

RU6711/14/17/20/23/26/29/32/35 to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3600-3608 respectively).
RU6712/15/18/21/24/27/30/33/36 to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3700-3708 respectively).
RU6713/16/19/22/25/28/31/34 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (allocated fleet numbers N448/50/52/54/56/58/60/62 respectively, but not operated).
RU7730/34 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (not allocated fleet numbers and not operated by Hants & Dorset).
RU7731-32 to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3709-10 respectively).
RU7733/35 to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3709-10 respectively).1929

LJ650AEC Regal662017DupleC31?
LJ651Maudslay ML64786DupleC31?
LJ652Daimler CF67470DupleC28D
RU8801-08AEC Reliance660020/18/
RU8809-15AEC Reliance660060/59/
RU8816AEC Reliance660062DupleC28?
RU8817AEC Reliance660068DupleC28D
RU8818-19AEC Reliance660061/65  
RU8820-24AEC Reliance660070/72/
RU8825AEC Reliance660066DupleC30?
RU9030Daimler CF67214DupleC28D
RU9031-32Daimler CF67216/10DupleC32?
RU9033-34Daimler CF67218/20DupleC28?
RU9035Daimler CF67212DupleC28D

LJ650 to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3721).
LJ651-52 to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3621-22 respectively).
RU8801-05/11/15/18; RU9031/32 to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3611-20 respectively).
RU8806-10/12/1316/19; RU9033/34 to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3711-20 respectively).
RU8809/14/17/20-25 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (not allocated fleet numbers and not operated by Hants & Dorset).
RU9030/35 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (numbered N414/16 respectively).1930

LJ875Leyland TS260378DupleC28D
LJ1501-05Daimler CF67626/18/
LJ1506-09Daimler CF67632/30/
LJ1510-15AEC Regal662138/
LJ1516-20AEC Regal662270/
LJ1521-27AEC Regal662142/
LJ1528-33Daimler CF67622/36/

LJ875/1501/04/07/16-18/20/23/26/29/33 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 numbered F412/N418/20/22; J428/30/32/34/36/38; N424/26 respectively).
LJ1502/03/05/09/12/22/24/25/27/3032 to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3722-25/28/29-32/26/27 respectively).
LJ1506/08/10/11/13-15/19/21/31 to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3623/24/26/27/28-32/25 respectively).
Withdrawn 1932 (LJ1528 – destroyed by fire).1933

LJ8600AEC Q762005DupleC35C
LJ8001AEC Q762002DupleC35C
PJ5494Dennis Lancet170154DennisC26?
TP9181Gilford 168OT11488WeymannC26D
TP9182Gilford 168OT11493WeymannC26?
TP9329Chevrolet U67605ReadingC14?
TP9360Chevrolet U67801ReadingC14?

PJ5494, ex-Traveller Saloon Coaches, Plymouth (new 5/32); to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3633).
TP9181 ex-Olympic Motor Services, Portsmouth (new 7/30); to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (allocated fleet number B410, but not operated).
TP9182, TP9360 ex-Olympic Motor Services, Portsmouth (new 1930); to Western National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3635/34 respectively).
TP9329 ex-Olympic Motor Services, Portsmouth (new 7/30); to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3733).
LJ8600, LJ8001 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (numbered Q440/44 respectively).
Unknown Gilford ex-Olympic Motor Services, Portsmouth (new 1929); to Southern National Omnibus Co., 2/35 (numbered 3734).1934

LJ8601AEC Q762029DupleC37C
AEL2AEC Q762034HarringtonC35C

AEL2, LJ8601 to Hants & Dorset 2/35 (numbered Q442/46 respectively).

History 1880-1935 |