Crosville Motor Services Ltd. Bus Fleet List Part 2 1931-1935

Fleet No.Reg. No.ChassisChassis No.BodySeating


19-21FM6392-6394Leyland TD171550-52LeylandL24/24R
43-60FM6395-6412Leyland TD171553-71LeylandL27/24R
105-116FM6861-6871Leyland LT351692-702LeylandB32F
195-196FM6417-6418Leyland LT251289-90LeylandB35F
440-450FM6419-6426Leyland LT251291-98LeylandB35F
464-479FM6427-6438Leyland LT251299-310LeylandB35F
484FM6477Leyland LT251411LeylandB35R
500FM6478Leyland LT251412LeylandB35R
501CC4537SOS S4014BrushB32F
502-503CC4538-4539SOS ODD4024/27UnitedB26F
504CC4816SOS S4030BrushB32F
505CC5076SOS S38BrushB32F
506CC5077SOS ODD58UnitedB26F
507-508CC6121-6122SOS ODD216/247UnitedB26F
509CC6123SOS S248RansomesB31F
510CC6424SOS ODD271UnitedB26F
511HA3512SOS S269BrushB32F
512-516CC6821-6825SOS Q385/91/99/
517-525CC7741-7749SOS QL608/19/34/46/
526-530CC7750-7754SOS QL66/81/84/87/
531-532CC8185-8186SOS QL788/98RansomesB37F
533-538CC8561-8566SOS M963/69/76/90/
539-544FM6439-6444Leyland LT251313-18LeylandB35F
545-546FM6473-6474Leyland LT251419-20LeylandB35R
547CA8709Leyland C735939?B26?
548CA8863Leyland C741653?B26?
549-550FM6475-6476Leyland LT251421-22LeylandB35R
551-554FM6413-6416Leyland TD171746-49LeylandL27/24R
555KC6303Dennis 2½-ton25058?Ch19
556CC3872Dennis 3-ton13463?B25F
559CC4839Dennis 2½-ton30789?B29F
560CC4840Dennis 2½-ton30790?B30F
561CC6617SOS 30cwt50867?B19F
562KA4533SOS 30cwt50851?B19F
563KA4602SOS 30cwt50895?B19F
564CC7114SOS 30cwt51626?B20F
565-566CC7115-7116SOS 30cwt17230/26?Ch26
567-570CC7980-7983Dennis G70080/90/
571-573CC8787-8789Dennis G70514/20/22VickersB20F
574-577HL2032-2035Bristol O 2-ton0214/12/15/18?B20F
578-579EY2741-2742Bristol O 2-ton0257/58?B20F
580CC7412Guy EW22059?B24F
581CC7413Guy EW22433?B26F
5821KB8317Daimler CK3331?B23?
5822FM6479Leyland LT251423LeylandB35R
583-584CC6920-6921SOS QC359-360London LorriesCh32
585-586CC7862-7863SOS QLC707-708BrushCh29
587-588CC9284-9285SOS QLC1323/31BrushCh29
589-591CC3706-3708Dennis 2½-ton25062/67/70DennisCh20
592CC6162Dennis 2½-ton25193London LorriesCh24
593CC9232Renault MY191212?Ch14
594CC7411Unic 1927?22550?Ch14
606FM6472Daimler CH668000UnitedB35F
607-610FM6445-6448Leyland TS361439-42LeylandDP31F
611-616FM6449-6454Leyland TS361443-48LeylandDP25D
617-620FM6455-6458Leyland TS361600/436/
621-622FM6470-6471Leyland TS361598-99UnitedC27F
623-625FM6480-6482Leyland TS361435/637/
626-628FM6459-6461Shelvoke & Drury LF161252/
Simpson & SlaterB32T
629-631FM6486-6488GMC T30C308362/443/45?B20F
635FM6851Leyland KP2217WeymannB20F

No. 52 received the 1930 Leyland body from L56 in 1944, the body from No. 52 being transferred to L37.
No. 112 was converted to OB36F in 1951.
Nos. 442, 449, 471, 549, 550 re-seated to B30(F/R) in 1950.
Nos. 501-538, 547-548, 555-594 ex-Royal Blue, Llandudno (new 1920 (5821), 1923 (555-558, 589-591), 1924 (501-504, 559-560), 1925 (505-506, 592), 1926 (507-511, 547-548, 561-564, 593), 1927 (512-516, 565-566, 583-584, 594), 1928 (517-532, 567-570, 585-586), 1929 (533-538, 571-573), 1930 (587-588)).
Nos. 553-554 re-bodied by ECW to L27/26R in 1949. The body from 553 was transferred to M503 in 1950, the body from 554 transferred to MB161 in 1956.
No. 582was withdrawn before new No. 582entered service (suffixes for identification purposes only – they were not carried by the vehicles in question).
Nos. 607-625 re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1936-39.
Nos. 632-634 ex-Woodfin, Tarvin (new 1923 (634), 1925 (633), 1927 (632)).
Withdrawn 1931 (547-548, 555-566, 574-5821, 589-591, 593-594, 631), 1932 (632-633), 1933 (501-510, 511-516), 1934 (517-532, 567-573, 5822, 592, 629-631), 1936 (533-538, 583-586), 1938 (606), 1941 (635), 1949 (587-588), 1950 (195-196, 484, 500, 545-546), by 1951 (19-21, 539-544, 549-550), by 1952 (440-450, 464-479, 617-622), by 1953 (43-60, 611-616, 623-628), by 1955 (551-554, 607-610), by 1957 (105-116).


118-136FM6873-6891Leyland LT351704-22LeylandB32F
166-170FM6856-6860Leyland TS4103-107LeylandB32F
182-191FM6892-6901Leyland LT351723-32LeylandB32F
481-483FM6902-6904Leyland LT351733-35LeylandB32F
555-560FM6905-6910Leyland LT351736-41LeylandB32F
636-639FM6852-6855Leyland KP2218-221WeymannB20F
640-644FM6911-6915Leyland TS4109/12/18/
645-649FM6916-6920Leyland TD2131/125-28LeylandL27/24R
650-664FM6981-6995Leyland LT351690-91/
665-674FM6996-7005Leyland KP2242-251WeymannB20F
677-679FM7040-7042Leyland KP2389-391WeymannB20F
680-684FM7008-7012Leyland LT3252-53/348-50LeylandB32F
685-689FM7033-7037Leyland LT3708-712LeylandB32F
690CC7998Vulcan VWBL28?B30?
691TE642Vulcan VWB411?B30?
692TD9572Vulcan VWB12?B30?
693TD7660Vulcan VWB16?B30?
694CC7740Vulcan VWB19?B26?
695CC6942Vulcan VWB373?B26?
696EC7714Vulcan 3X1336?B18?
697CC8692Vulcan Duke37?C20?
698CC6288Vulcan VWB3?C25?
699-701FM7230-7232Leyland LT51392-94WeymannB32F
702-703FM7233-7234Leyland TD21390-91LeylandL27/24R
704FM7431Leyland KP2708BrushB20F
708FM7435Leyland KP2974BrushB20F
710-712FM7437-7439Leyland KP2976-978BrushB20F
718FM7445Leyland KP2984BrushB20F
719-723FM7446-7450Leyland KP3906-910BrushB26F
725-730FM7452-7459Leyland KP3966-971BrushB26F
733-740FM7460-7467Leyland TD22003-06/
751FM7478Leyland LT51949ECOCB32F

Nos. 166-169 re-bodied by ECW to DP28R in 1939. The original body from 167 was fitted to W2 in 1938.
No. 170 re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1939.
Nos. 183, 651 converted to OB36F in 1951.
Nos. 640-644 re-bodied by Burlingham to C32F in 1940.
No. 660 received the 1933 Leyland B30F body from F37 in 1950. Converted to OB36F in 1951.
Nos. 690-698 ex-Bethesda Greys, Rachub (new 1926 (693, 698), 1927 (691, 692, 694-696), 1928 (690), 1929 (697)).
No. 702 received the 1929 Leyland body from M579 in 1953.
Withdrawn 1932 (690-698), 1941 (704, 708), by 1950 (481-483, 555-560, 636-639, 665-674, 677-679, 699-701, 710-712, 718-723, 725-730), by 1953 (166-170, 640-644), 1954 (645, 702), by 1956 (646-649, 703, 733-740), by 1957 (118-136, 182-191, 650-664, 680-689).


707FM7434Leyland KP2711BrushB20F
709FM7436Leyland KP2975BrushB20F
713-717FM7440-7444Leyland KP2979-983BrushB20F
724FM7451Leyland KP3965BrushB26F
731-732FM7458-7459Leyland KP3972-973BrushB26F
741-745FM7468-7472Leyland TS42051-55LeylandC32R
746-750FM7473-7477Leyland TS42056-60ECOCC26R
752-770FM7479-7497Leyland LT51950-68ECOCB32F
771-790FM7498-7517Leyland LT51972-90LeylandB32F
791-794FM7760-7763Leyland TD22389-91/697LeylandL24/24R
795FM7764Leyland TD2c2740LeylandL24/24R
801-806FM3533-3538Daimler CM4502/04/06/
807-812CA7842-7847Daimler CM4514/16/18/
813-814CA8537-8538Daimler CM4594-95BrushB31F
815FM4505Daimler CF67260BrushB32F
816UN188Daimler CF67224BrushB32F
817FM4504Daimler CF67238BrushB32F
818FM4503Daimler CF67228BrushB32F
819FM4501Daimler CF67230BrushB32F
820UN186Daimler CF67240BrushB32F
821-822UN190-191Daimler CF67232/34BrushB32F
823-826UN209-212Daimler CF67219/05/17/03BrushCh27
827UN187Daimler CF67226BrushB32F
828FM4502Daimler CF67242BrushB32F
829UN189Daimler CF67236BrushB32F
830FM4754ADC 423423018BrushB32F
831FM4755ADC 423423019BrushB32F
832FM4753ADC 423423017BrushB32F
833-834FM4756-4757ADC 423423020-21BrushB32F
835-839UN952-956ADC 423423029-33BrushB32F
840UN1914Tilling-Stevens B10A6377AlexanderCh31
841UN1916Tilling-Stevens B10A6381AlexanderCh31
842UN1915Tilling-Stevens B10A6378AlexanderCh31
843UN1917Tilling-Stevens B10A6382AlexanderCh31
844FM5268Tilling-Stevens B10A6375AlexanderB32F
845FM5270Tilling-Stevens B10A6379AlexanderB32F
846FM5269Tilling-Stevens B10A6376AlexanderB32F
847FM5271Tilling-Stevens B10A6380AlexanderB32F
848-850FM5782-5784Tilling-Stevens B10A6702-6704BrushB32F
851FM5791Tilling-Stevens B10A6705BrushB32F
852-857FM6253-6258Tilling-Stevens B10A28528-33BrushB32F
858-867UN4479-4488Tilling-Stevens B10A28534-43BrushB32F
868-878UN5390-5400Tilling-Stevens B10A28054-64BrushB32F
879-888FM7057-7066Tilling-Stevens B10A28065-74BrushB32F
889-893UN2920-2924Chevrolet LQ56047/464/
894UV9415Guy OND9139DupleB20F
895YF5746Guy FBB22351VickersB32R
896YE7312Guy FBB22259Hall LewisB32R
897UK5814Guy FBB22954GuyB32R
898YV1125Thornycroft A115761VickersB18F
899YX1529Thornycroft A115770VickersB18F
900UC5510Thornycroft A115759GWRB18F
901YW5970Thornycroft A115767GWRB18F
902UL4052Thornycroft A115768?B18F
903UV4079Thornycroft A118815VickersB26R
904UV4082Thornycroft A118822VickersB26R
905-906YH3798-3799Maudslay ML34098/97BuckinghamC32F
907YH3795Maudslay ML34099BuckinghamC32F
908YV1118Maudslay ML34276VickersB32R
909YV7197Maudslay ML34282VickersB32R
910YV8573Maudslay ML34283BuckinghamC34F
911UC7508Maudslay ML34268BuckinghamB32R
912YV8572Maudslay ML34278BuckinghamC34F
913UU4818Maudslay ML3B4681VickersB32R
914UL8384Maudslay ML3B4588VickersB32R
915UU4819Maudslay ML3B4682VickersB32R
916UU4812Maudslay ML3B4618VickersB32R
917GU6355Maudslay ML3B4604VickersB32R
918UL8385Maudslay ML3B4589VickersB32R
919UL8389Maudslay ML3B4593VickersB32R
920GU6356Maudslay ML3B4608VickersB32R
921UU5014Morris R1828BuckinghamB14F
922UU5013Morris R1827BuckinghamB14F
923UU5012Morris R1826BuckinghamB14F
924UU5010Morris R1815BuckinghamB14F
934-936FM6276-6278Leyland TD33223-25ECOCL26/26R
937-949FM6279-6291Leyland KP32050-62BrushB26F
950-955FM6292-6297Leyland KP22044-49ToothB20F
956-957FM6298-6299Leyland KP22038-39RobertsB20F
958-961FM8015-8018Leyland KP22040-43RobertsB20F
1000AMD256AEC Q761002Metro-CammellH33/27F

Nos. 747-750 re-seated to C32R in 1948.
No. 755 re-bodied by ECW to B33R in 1949. Original body transferred to E39.
Nos. 801-933 ex-Western Transport Company, Wrexham (new 1925 (801-812), 1926 (813-814), 1927 (815-829, 895-896, 905-907, 933), 1928 (830-839, 897-901, 908-912), 1929 (817-819, 840-847, 889-894, 902-904, 913-930, 932), 1930 (847-851, 931), 1931 (852-867), 1932 (868-888).
No. 935 received 1931 Leyland L27/24R body from M167 in 1954.
No. 936 received 1930 Leyland L24/24R body from M225 in 1954.
Withdrawn 1933 (801-814, 823-826, 894-902, 905-912, 914-920, 925-933), 1934 (815-822, 827-834, 889-893, 903-904, 913), 1935 (921-924), by 1937 (835-839), 1938 (840-867), 1941 (707, 709), 1945 (1000), 1947 (724, 732), 1949 (868-888), by 1950 (731, 937-961), by 1952 (713-717, 746-750, 771-790), 1954 (795), by 1955 (752-770), by 1956 (934-936), by 1957 (791-794), 1958 (741-745).


T6-9BG207-210AEC Regal6621027-30DupleC30F
T10-15BG613-618AEC Regal6621179-84MasseyC32R
87MY1415AEC Reliance660371ShortB30D
88UL7229Tilling-Stevens B10A5846ToothB32F
89GJ8075Commer 6TK28055GroseB19F
90JC690Commer Corinthian28312GroseC24F
91JC691Commer 6TK28302GroseB20F
92CC9415GMC T60921DStrachanB26F
93CC9578Morris Y86076GroseB20F
94CC8048Chevrolet CAP25London LorriesB14F
137VR8862Crossley Condor90428CrossleyL48R
138LG2367Crossley Six90207CrossleyB32F
139LG2366Crossley Six90206CrossleyB32F
140LG2690Crossley Six90256BurlinghamB32F
141LG7194Crossley Six90286CrossleyB32F
142TY5999Daimler CF67161S?B26?
143LG2610Leyland TS260377BurlinghamB28?
144LG5003Vulcan 3X652?B20F
145WM5621Vulcan VWBDS??B30R
146WM3899Vulcan VWBL43?B32F
150LG2558Vulcan VWBL41?B32?
152VO729Dennis G??B30?
153KF512Gilford 166OT??B30?
154DM5780Dennis G70000GriffithB20?
155DM5791Dennis F52281ShortB18?
156DM6717Dennis F55008GriffithB17?
582FM8424Leyland LT5A4789ToothB34F
900-901FM8133-8134Leyland LT5A4278-79LeylandB34F
902-914FM8135-8147Leyland LT5A4265/64/66/
915FM8148Leyland LT5A4267ToothB34F
916-923FM8149-8156Leyland TD34256-63ECOCL26/26R
924-929FM8157-8162Leyland SKP32692-93/20-23BrushB30F
930-933FM8163-8166Leyland TS64280/86-88HarringtonC33F
962-965FM8167-8170Leyland TS64281-84DupleC32R
966FM8270Leyland TS64285DupleC32R
967JC1343Leyland TS32963MasseyC32R
968JC200Leyland TS161786LeylandB32F
969CC9401Leyland TS260704LeylandB32F
970-971CC8531-8532Leyland LT150137/316LeylandB30F
972CC8021Leyland PLSC346939LeylandB32F
973CC7449Leyland PLSC345857LeylandB30F
974CC8879Albion PR287046JLeylandC30D
975CC9592Morris Y6075??20?
976TE7675Crossley Eagle90039?C30F
977-978UC1816-1817Maudslay ML34030/29Hall LewisB30R
9802BG605AEC Regal6621175DupleC32R
981-984FM8412-8415Leyland LT5A4684-4687ECOCB32F
985-988FM8416-8419Leyland KP32833-2836BrushB26F
989-992FM8420-8423Leyland KP22828-2831BrushB20F

Nos. T6-15 re-bodied by ECW in 1939.
Nos. 87-88 ex-Nevin Blue Motors (new 1929 (87), 1930 (88)).
Nos. 89-94 ex-Tocia Motor Omnibus Company, Aberdaron (new 1928 (94), 1930 (89, 92-93), 1932 (90-91)).
Nos. 137-143 ex-Malbank Services, Crewe (new 1929 (138-139, 142-143), 1930 (137, 140), 1931 (141)).
No. 143 re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1937.
Nos. 144-145 ex-Lowe & Son, Audlem (new 1930).
Nos. 146-153 ex-Maddocks, Tattenhall (new 1927 (149), 1928 (151), 1929 (146-148, 150, 152), 1930 (153)).
Nos. 154-156 ex-Jenkinson, Buckley (new 1927 (154-155), 1929 (156)).
No. 900 re-bodied by Burlingham to UB34F in 1943. Re-bodied by Burlingham to B35F in 1949. 1943 Burlingham body transferred to H10 in 1949.
Nos. 901-915, 981-984 re-bodied by Burlingham to B35F in 1949. The original bodies from 910 and 914 transferred to H3 and H8 in 1949.
Nos. 962, 964 received the Harrington C32F bodies from K108 and K109 in 1952.
Nos. 967-975 ex-Seiont Motors, Caernarfon (new 1927 (973), 1928 (972), 1929 970-971, 974), 1930 (969, 975), 1931 (968), 1933 (967)).
Nos. 968-969 re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1936-37.
No. 972 re-bodied by ECW to B32F in 1935.
No. 973 re-bodied by ECW to B30F in 1936.
Nos. 977-9801 ex-Rothwell, Holt (new 1926 (980), 1927 (979), 1928 (977-978), 1929 (976)).
No. 9801 withdrawn before Feb. 1934 when No. 9802 was acquired (suffixes for identification purposes only – they were not carried by the vehicles in question).
No. 9802 ex-Wirral Motor Transport Company, Birkenhead (new 1932). Re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1939.
Withdrawn 1934 (89-92, 94, 144-154, 977-9801), 1935 (93, 137-142, 155-156, 974-975), 1936 (87, 970-971), 1938 (88), 1949 (972-973), by 1950 (924-929, 985-992), 1952 (143, 968-969, 9802), by 1953 (T6-15, 930-933, 962-966), 1957 (916-923, 967), by 1960 (582, 981-984), by 1961 (900-915).

Note: For clarity the original numbers of vehicles are quoted in the above list, but you should be aware that these may not have been the fleet numbers on withdrawal. Please refer to list of vehicles re-numbered in 1935 for post-1935 fleet numbers.

Re-numbering Scheme 1935

In 1935 the following vehicles still in stock were re-numbered as shown:

Nos. 1-8[re-numbered S1-8], 12-17[K1-6], 18-21[L1-4], 22-42[B1-21], 43-60[L5-22], 61-82[B22-43], 85-87[T1-3], 88[R1], 93[U1], 99-104[R2-7], 105-116[E1-12], 118-136[E13-31], 137[L23], 138-141[U2-5], 143[K7], 166-178K8-20], 182-191[E32-41], 195-196[D1-2], 197[S9], 199-200[B44-45], 201-210[A1-10], 211-222[L24-35], 245-263[A11-29], 264[B46], 265-270[A30-35], 271-310[B47-85], 311-324[C1-14], 325-336[L36-47], 337-347[C15-25], 348-353[K21-26], 354-368[L48-62], 369-374[K27-32], 375-399[D3-24], 401-412[S10-21], 413[T4], 414[L63], 415-419[K33-37], 420-430[B86-96], 431-436[K38-43], 440-450[D25-35], 464-479[D36-44], 481-483[E42-44], 484[D45], 490-492[U6-8], 494[U9], 500[D46], 533-538[Q1-6], 539-550[D47-56], 551-554[L64-67], 555-560[E45-50], 582[G1], 583-588[Q7-12], 606[J1], 607-625[K44-62], 626-628[U10-12], 635-639[N1-5], 640-644[K63-67], 645-648[L68-71], 649[M1], 650-664[E51-65], 665-679[N6-20], 680-690[E66-75], 699-701[F1-3], 702-703[L72-73], 704-732[N21-49], 733-740[L74-81], 741-750[K68-77], 751-771[F4-24], 772[J2], 773-790[F25-42], 791-795[L82-86], 836[J3], 840-843[R8-11], 844-857[R12-25], 858-878[R26-46], 880-888[R47-56], 896-899[U13-16], 900-915[G2-17], 916-923[M2-9], 924-929[O1-6], 930-933[K78-81], 934-936[M10-12], 937-961[N50-74], 962-969[K82-89], 970-971[C26-27], 972[B97], 973[A36], 974[S22], 980[T5], 981-984[G18-21], 985-992[N75-82], 1000[L87].
*Note: Nos. T6-15 allocated to vehicles ex-Maxways in 1934.


H1-15FM8999-9013Leyland LT75883-85/
J4-28FM8974-8998Leyland LT75890-92/
K90-92FM9058-9060Leyland TS75936-38HarringtonC32F
K93KF3756Leyland TS161494BurlinghamC28F
K94KF9515Leyland TS4828DupleC28F
K95LV6690Leyland TS63592DupleC28F
K96AKB849Leyland TS65629DupleC29F
M13-18FM9049-9054Leyland TD45941-46LeylandL26/26R
M19-21FM9055-9057Leyland TD4c5947-49LeylandL26/26R
N83-87FM9028-9032Leyland KP24082-86BrushB20F
N88-92FM9033-9037Leyland KP24128-32BrushB20F
N93-97FM9038-9042Leyland KP24162/63/65/
O7-20FM9014-9027Leyland SKP34201-08/24-29BrushB30F
O21-22FM9061-9062Leyland SKP34230-31HarringtonC26R
P1-6FM9043-9048Leyland KPO24178/81/83/
P7-12FM9162-9167Leyland KPO24180/82/84-87BrushB20F
T16KF5728AEC Regal662826DupleC28F
T17KF8983AEC Regal6621247DupleC28F
T18KF9009AEC regal6621248DupleC28F
T19LV8319AEC Q762011DupleC32F
U18-21FM9063-9066Shelvoke & Drury LF591863/
Simpson & SlaterB31T
U22AMB652Dennis Lancet170469DupleC32R
U23LG9466Dennis Arrow110023JacksonB32F
U24LG6106Dennis Arrow110012JacksonB32F
U25CC9402Willys Overland11579WaveneyB14?
U26JC1288Gilford 168SD10871VickersB26F
U27RP5574GMC T20C205963GroseB20F
U28UX6946Chevrolet U66633?B20F
U29UX6242GMC T191915077GroseB20F
U30UX9410Bedford WLB108151DobsonB20F
U31UJ2727Bedford WLB109363ToothB20F
U32UN5227Bedford WLB108014WillmottC20F
U331UN5381Bedford WLB108111WillmottC20F
U341UN7509Bedford WLB109374WillmottB20F
U332RF6241Chevrolet LP57567WillowbrookB14F
U342UX5096Chevrolet LQ55761?B14F
U35UN3304Guy ONDF9486GuyB20F
U36UN4843Reo FB1605?B20F
U37HD3508Dennis E17458BrushB20F
U38UN5745Dennis Lancet170046WillmottDP35R
U39UN7069Dennis Lancet170192WillmottB32R
U40UN7645Dennis Lancet170220WillmottC32R
U41CC7163Dennis 2½-ton45497OwensB28F
U42CC8249Dennis E17503JacksonB32F
U43CC8091Dennis F80059OwensB32F
U44RF4372Dennis E17339JacksonB32F
U45VM6302Dennis e17502JacksonB32F
U46CC9945Dennis EV17921JacksonB32F
U47JC46Dennis EV17840JacksonB32F
U48JC722Dennis Lancet170190DupleB36F
U49LV4640Bedford WLB109178DupleC16F
U50LV8409Bedford WLB109528BurlinghamC20F
U51WD1917Commer 6TK28231WillowbrookB20F
U52WX5001Reo FB1533EatonB20F
U53UN1794GMC T20C208131WaveneyB20F

Nos. J20-28 re-seated to B34F before entering service.
Nos. H3, H8, H14 received 1934 ECOC B32F bodies from G12, G16, G21 in 1949.
No. H10 received 1943 Burlingham UB34F body from G2 in 1949.
No. H13 received 1935 ECOC B34F body from J22 in 1949.
Nos. J5-9, 13-15, 18, 21, 23-24, 26-28 were re-bodied by ECW to B35R, fitted with Leyland 8.6 litre oil engines and re-classified JA in 1949.
Nos. J4, 10-12, 16-17, 19-20, 22, 25 were re-bodied by ECW to B35R, fitted with Gardner 5LW oil engines and re-classified JG in 1949.
K93-96 ex-Happy Days Motorways, Liverpool (new 1931, 1933, 1934, 1935 respectively).
Nos. K93-94 re-bodied by ECW to DP31R in 1939.
No. M14 received 1930 Leyland L24/24R body from M223 in 1954.
Nos. T16-19 ex-Happy Days Motorways, Liverpool (new 1931, 1932, 1932, 1934 respectively).
Nos. T16-18 re-bodied by ECW to DP32R in 1939.
Nos. U22-24 ex-Watson, Runcorn (new 1931(U24), 1932 (U23), 1933 (U22)).
Nos. U22-24 re-numbered W16, W12, W11 respectively in 1936.
No. U25 ex-Roberts, Pwllheli (new 1930).
No. U26 ex-Evans, Llithfaen (new 1933).
No. U27 ex-Richards, Towyn (new 1928).
Nos. U28-31 ex-Jones, Oswestry (new 1930 (U28-29), 1931 (U30), 1934 (U31)).
No. U31 re-numbered U14 at a later date.
Nos. U32-40 ex-Price, Wrexham (new 1929(U37), 1930 (U35), 1931 (U32, U36), 1932 (U331, U38), 1933 (U39), 1934 (U341, U40)).
Nos. U341, U36 re-numbered U15, U19 respectively in 1935.
Nos. U332-342 ex-Evans, Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant (new 1929)(suffixes for information only they were not carried by the vehicles in question).
Nos. U37-40 re-numbered W3, W13, W15, W17 respectively in 1936.
Nos. U41-48 ex-New Blue Motors, Llandudno (new 1927 (U41), 1928 (U42-45), 1931 (U46-47), 1932 (U48)).
Nos. U41-48 re-numbered W2, W4-W7, W9-W10, W14 respectively in 1936.
Nos. U49-50 ex-Happy Days Motorways, Liverpool (new 1933, 1934 respectively).
Nos. U49-50 re-numbered U12-13 in 1936.
Nos. U51-53 ex-Mechell Maroon, Anglesey (new 1928 (U53), 1930 (U52), 1931 (U51)).
Nos. U51-53 re-numbered U18, U20-21 in 1936.
Withdrawn 1935 (U25-30, U32-331, U35), 1936 (U31[U14], U332-342, U341[U15], U36[U19], U37[W3], U41-45[W2, W4-7], U48[W14], U49-50[U12-13], U51-53[U18, U20-21]), 1937 (U23-24[W12, W11], U38[W13], U48[W14]), 1945 (U40[W17], U47[W10]), 1946 (N93-97, T19), by 1949 (N88-92, U39[W15]), by 1950 (M13-18, N83-87, O7-20, P1-12), 1951 (T18), 1952 (K93-96, O21-22), by 1953 (H1-15, T16-17), 1956 (K90-92, M19-21, U18-21), by 1961 (J4-28[JA/JG4-28]).

History 1911-1990 | Bus Fleet List 1911-1930 | Bus Fleet List 1936-1950 | Bus Fleet List 1951-1970 | Bus Fleet List 1971-1990 |