Barrow Borough Transport Ltd. Bus Fleet List 1986-1989

The following vehicles were transferred from Barrow Corporation Transport 26/10/86;

Fleet No.Reg. No.ChassisChassis No.BodySeating


1-2LEO141-42JDaimler SRG64393-94East LancsB49D
4LEO144JDaimler SRG64396East LancsB49D
6-8SEO206-08MLeyland 1151/1R01095-97LeylandB49F
9SEO209MLeyland 11351/1R01348LeylandB49F
10SEO210MLeyland 11351/1R01349LeylandDP48F
11-15NEO829-33RLeyland 11351A/1R04278-82LeylandB49F
16-17UEO478-79TLeyland 11351A/1R05440-41LeylandB49F
18-19WEO146-47TDennis DominatorSD115/156-57East LancsB46F
20-23CEO720-23WLeyland NL116L11/1R07180-83LeylandB49F
47-49HEO247-49GLeyland PSU3A/2R804846/
East LancsB51D
56-59EEO256-259Leyland PSU3/1RL65221/
60-62GEO160-62GLeyland PSU3A/2R801739-41East LancsB51D
64GEO64GLeyland PSU3A/2R801776East LancsB51D
80C913XEOLeyland TRCTL11/3R?DupleC57F
81CEO952Leyland PSU5A/4R?DupleC53F
101-103OJD174-76RLeyland FE30AGR7602867/89/
104-106LEO734-36YLeyland AN68D/1R8201528/30/
107A266 PEOLeyland AN68D/1R8400072NCMEH43/32F
108OUC41RLeyland FE30AGR7602235MCWH45/32F
109OJD227RLeyland FE30AGR7604015MCWH45/32F

No. 10 re-seated to B48F in 1987.
No. 20 re-seated to DP45F using seats from No. 10 in 1987
No. 80 re-seated to C53F before entering service.
No. 81 ex-National Travel East (new 1976 as MWG499P).
Nos. 101-103 ex-London Transport ( DMS2174-2176 respectively, new 1976).
Nos. 108-109 ex-London Transport (DMS2041 and DMS2227, new 1976 and 1977 respectively).
Nos. 11-15, 16-17, 20-23, 104-106, 107 to Ribble MS 26.5.89.
Nos. 80-81 reverted to leasing company 26.5.89 for subsequent disposal.
Withdrawn 1987 (1-2, 4, 18), 1988 (6-10,19, 101-103), 1989 (108-109).


82-83D458-59BEODodge S56?East LancsDP22F
84D460BEODodge S56?East LancsB22F
85D456BEODodge S56?East LancsB22F
86D457BEODodge S56?East LancsB21F

Nos. 82-86 to Ribble MS 26.5.89.


79E779DEODodge S56?ReeburC25F

No. 79 to Ribble MS 26.5.89.


76-78E657-59OCWTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
87E319LHGTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
88E325LHGTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
89E327LHGTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
90E332LHGTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
91-97E562-68MACTalbot Pullman?TalbotB20F
98-100E569-71MACTalbot Pullman?TalbotB18F

Nos. 76-78, 87-100 reverted to leasing company 26.5.89 for subsequent disposal.
Note: Talbot Pullman demonstrator E45KKV was on loan for 2 weeks in 1988 and was reported as carrying Barrow fleet number 99.


101-102GDR205-06NLeyland AN68/1R7500109/12Park RoyalH43/28D
103NXS100LLeyland AN68/1R7203959AlexanderH43/31F

Nos. 101-102 ex-Plymouth Corporation (Nos. 205-206, new 1975).
No. 103 ex-Delaine, Bourne (No.88, new 1973).
Nos. 101-103 to Ribble MS 26.5.89.

History 1920-1986 | Tram Fleet List 1920-1932 | Bus Fleet List 1923-1986 |
Hadwins Coaches 1973-1977 | Barrow Borough Transport 1986-1989 |